DATA 606 - Statistics & Probability - Spring 2024


Jason Bryer, Ph.D. Email:

I am currently an Assistant Professor in Data Science and Information Systems at the City University of New York. Additionally, I am a consultant with Cornell University where he has developed a research and data collection platform for New York State’s Office of Special Education ( Prior to joining CUNY, I was Executive Director at Excelsior College where he has served as Principal Investigator of the FIPSE First in the World grant to develop and research the Diagnostic Assessment and Achievement of College Skills along with supporting research and evaluation of other grants at the institution. My research interests include quasi-experimental designs with an emphasis in propensity score analysis, data systems to support formative assessment, and the use of open source software for conducting reproducible research. I have authored of over a dozen R packages, including three related to conducting propensity score analyses. When I'm not crunching numbers, I am a photographer and proud dad to three boys.

Angela Lui, Ph.D. Email:

I am a Research Project Manager for the Diagnostic Assessment and Achievement of College Skills, a five year multi-million-dollar IES grant funded project. I graduated with my doctoral degree in Educational Psychology and Methodology at the University at Albany – SUNY in 2020, and served as a postdoctoral associate for a year at Rutgers University. For my dissertation, I explored students’ interpretations and feelings about their teacher’s feedback within a formative assessment context. More broadly, my research interests include formative assessment and self-regulated learning, as well as applied measurement and statistics. A fun fact: I grew up in Manhattan, NY, one of the busiest cities, but am now living happily on a farm with my chosen family, helping to take care of trees, gardens, barns, chickens, a cat, and a dog.


Office Hours (Zoom is preferred): By appointment. You're encouraged to schedule an appointment and I have time nearly everyday. You are also encouraged to ask us questions on Slack. If you wish to ask a question in private, you can email me directly.

For the most part, you can expect me to respond to questions by email within 24 hours. If you do not hear back from me within 48 hours of sending an email, please resend your message. I will be checking in on the course regularly, just about every day and likely several times each day. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have questions or concerns.

Last updated on Tue Oct 17, 2017
Published on Tue Oct 17, 2017
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